Sep 28, 2020Final Cut reviewed in The Toronto Star"The author SJ Watson goes at his story with a pleasingly smooth writing style. Best of all, he’s a maestro of plot management,...
Aug 21, 2020New review for Final CutFinal Cut has been reviewed in the Daily Mail. “Creepy and packed with suspense and menace, it draws the reader into a community that has...
Aug 16, 2020New review in the Sunday ExpressThe new psychological thriller from S J Watson, Final Cut, has been reviewed in the Sunday Express Magazine. "Once again S J Watson is...
Aug 14, 2020Final Cut in book of the week at BookaZineThe gripping new psychological thriller from S J Watson has been made book of the week at Bookazine. Read the post here.
Aug 14, 2020Final Cut reviewed in The Irish News Final Cut, the new psychological thriller from S J Watson, has been reviewed in The Irish News. " As unpredictable as the turbulent tide,...
Aug 10, 2020Jake Kerridge reviews Final Cut in The MirrorJake Kerridge has reviewed S J Watson's 'compelling' new psychological thriller in The Mirror newspaper. Full review here.
Aug 10, 2020Final Cut reviewed in The ObserverS J Watson's new psychological thriller, Final Cut, was reviewed in UK's Observer on Sunday Aug 9th. 'Watson moves between past and...